Understanding the True Cost of a Speeding Ticket in Louisiana—It’s More Than Just a Fine!
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Understanding the True Cost of a Speeding Ticket in Louisiana—It’s More Than Just a Fine!

Traffic violations are a serious offense on the road. One common traffic violation that many drivers face is speeding over the limit. In the state of Louisiana, driving 1 to 9 mph can lead to hundreds of dollars in fines. However, fines aren’t the only consequence of this type of violation. The cost of a speeding ticket may be much more than that.

Getting caught speeding can lead to serious implications that all drivers should understand. If you’ve just received a speeding ticket, read on to take a closer look at the true cost of a speeding ticket in Louisiana.

What Is Considered Speeding?

Speeding tickets are one of the most common types of tickets given in the U.S. It’s important to note that each state has its own laws in terms of what is considered speeding. However, states generally go by two types of laws related to speed restrictions. This includes:

  • Laws that specify maximum speed limits: Many states set a specific maximum speed that vehicles can drive on the road. For instance, the speed limit for the highway vs residential roads vs school zones will vary.
  • Laws that require drivers to go at a speed that is reasonable under the circumstances: Even when a specific speed limit has been set, some states require drivers to operate their vehicle at a speed that is reasonable given the circumstances. For instance, if there is heavy rain, it is required that you slow down even if the speed limit is 65 mph.

The state of Louisiana goes by an Absolute Speed Limit law, which means that even 1 mph over the speed limit means that you run the risk of receiving a fine.

The Cost Of A Speeding Ticket: What Are The Consequences?

Any driver that is speeding on the road according to their state is violating traffic laws, which can lead to serious consequences. Here is a detailed overview of the true cost of driving over the speed limit.

Speeding Ticket

Most drivers are aware that a speeding ticket is generally accompanied by violating this type of traffic law. But depending on some factors, drivers may pay a hefty fine for their speeding tickets.

Ultimately, your speed will have a significant influence on the cost of your fine. The more miles per hour you go over your limit, the more the cost of your speeding ticket increases.

Another important factor that influences the cost of your speeding ticket is where you live. Some states have stricter penalties for speeding, which can lead to a bigger fine.

Increased Insurance

Unfortunately, a speeding ticket isn’t just a one-and-done scenario. Violating traffic laws can lead to more long-term consequences, such as increased insurance.

Unfortunately, speeding tickets are part of your driving record. If an insurance company checks your driving record, this information can be used to determine your risk of having an accident. If the insurance company believes you are a risky driver, your insurance premium may be significantly more than what someone with a clean driving record will receive.

It’s important to note that the more traffic violations you have, the more your insurance premium will likely go up. If you have too many traffic violations, it’s possible that your insurance company will even refuse to renew your premium, leaving you without any insurance.

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Ultimate Cost of a Speeding Ticket: Jail Time

While a speeding ticket is most commonly associated with driving over the speed limit, it’s possible to receive jail time as well. In Louisiana, it is possible for first-time violators to receive 30 days of jail time, but this depends on the seriousness of the violation.

In certain instances, your case may involve aggravating factors that can result in sentencing. These factors include:

  • Extreme speeds: In most states, driving at extreme speeds can result in jail time. For instance, driving at 100mph or going a certain amount over the speed limit can lead to an extreme-speed offense.
  • Reckless driving: Driving recklessly is typically considered a misdemeanor, which means that it can carry a potential jail sentence. While the definition of reckless driving depends on each state, it is typically considered as someone who is operating a vehicle in a manner that is deemed dangerous.
  • Repeat offenses: Having multiple speeding tickets within a short period can result in jail time.
  • Ignoring the speeding ticket: You will have several options to address the issue when you receive a speeding ticket. Drivers who have received a speeding ticket may either pay online, pay in person, or fight the ticket in court. If you choose to ignore the speeding ticket and the deadline passes, a judge may issue a warrant for your arrest. Receiving a warrant can lead to jail time.

Driving over the speed limit is more than just a fine. Receiving a speeding ticket can lead to other fees and consequences that can truly affect the driver. With that said, it’s important to practice safe driving and be sure to understand speed restrictions for the state of Louisiana.

A Speeding Ticket Lawyer Can Help Reduce the Overall Cost of a Speeding Ticket

The Law Office of Heather C. Ford will give you peace of mind in your speeding ticket case. She will professionally and effectively represent on your behalf in front of any prosecutors or judges. Trust that your case will be handled with your best interests in mind. Text us a copy of your traffic tickets or request a free consultation to start building your defense.

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From a speeding ticket to a long term suspended license, we can help you. We are committed to making the legal process as quick and efficient as possible for every client. If you have received a speeding ticket or any other traffic violation — Contact our office immediately to schedule a consultation.

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Five-star Google reviews

Ben Byers

“I have referred her to everyone and I highly recommend her!”

Between myself and my family, we keep Heather busy! She is very professional and knowledgeable. I have spent a lot of money and ruined my driving record paying off speeding tickets but when I found Heather, I found that she is the best

Ben Byers
Dan P

“As a parent that has a young adult in college I will keep the "trafficticketlady" on speed dial.”

My experience with the Law Office of Heather C. Ford was outstanding. I would recommend this team to anyone that has received a traffic ticket in the metro New Orleans area....

Dan P
Noman Khan

“I am really pleased with Heather Ford's services.”

I found Heather online after searching for a traffic lawyer. Since I am not from the area, I was not 100% sure but went with my gut after reading the positive comments. And I was right! I am really pleased with Heather Ford's...

Noman Khan

“I will definitely use her again if need be!”

I was thrilled when Heather was able to get my ticket reduced to a non-moving violation and the judge waived fees. I never thought that was possible. I was certain I'd have to pay something. She's great...

Bryan Ladnier

“Ms. Ford is all that I could ask for in an advocate.”

Ms. Ford is all that I could ask for in an advocate.
My experience has been as pleasurable as can be expected when you need a lawyer.

Bryan Ladnier
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