Text 504-233-8529 for a free consultation right in a text. Heather C. Ford can lay out your options for you so you have the best information on what to do next.

    • What do traffic ticket attorneys do?

      Traffic ticket attorneys help people protect their driving record and their future. They take your tickets, however many and however old, they get court dates for each, and they show up in front of the judge on your behalf. The attorney tries to get your violations reduced to non-moving violations and reduce your fines so you don’t pay as much. In the end if the violations are reduced to non-moving, those violations stay off your record. TL;DR – A traffic ticket attorney does a lot to protect you.

    • What are my options if I receive a traffic ticket?

      You can pay the traffic ticket, however in Louisiana simply paying traffic citations can have a negative impact on your driving record and insurance rates. In addition, your driver’s license could be suspended and heavy fines could be imposed. Further, it can affect your ability to get a license in another state or impact your ability to get a job or a promotion. Hiring a traffic defense lawyer is often your best option. It is simple and inexpensive.

    • How much is a speeding ticket?

      Speeding tickets in Louisiana range from $157.50 for 1-9 miles over the limit to $282.50 + mandatory court appearance for 20+ miles over the limit.

    • But can’t I just pay my traffic ticket?

      Paying your traffic ticket is the same as pleading guilty. If you pay your moving violation instead of fighting the ticket in court, the ticket goes on your record, raising your insurance rates and showing up on your background check if you drive for work. It’s not a good look when you are applying to drive for uber or deliveries and you have tickets on your record, especially if you could have fought the ticket.

    • You said moving violation. So what’s the difference between a moving and non-moving violation?

      A moving violation is a speeding ticket, reckless driving, driving with a suspended license, etc… This type of ticket, if not contested, will go on your record. A non-moving violation is an expired registration or expired brake tag. Non-moving violations normally do not go on your record unless they are one of many violations in your case.

    • When is it a good time to hire a traffic ticket attorney?

      The honest answer is as soon as possible. A traffic ticket defense attorney can save you time and often money. Your attorney can go to most of your required court appearances and will try to get your charges and fines reduced.

    • If my Louisiana driver’s license has been suspended, how can I remedy the situation?

      Because there are a variety of reasons why a license might be suspended, hiring an attorney familiar with handling Louisiana suspended driver’s licenses is the best course of action. You may have multiple tickets causing the suspension and can mean multiple court dates and appointments at court clerk offices. A traffic ticket attorney knows how to navigate the system so you don’t have to waste your time.

    • I’m from out of state and I have tickets in Louisiana

      If you have tickets in Louisiana, get those tickets resolved. DMVs are better at sharing information over state lines and if you are pulled over in your state, your ticket from that time you visited New Orleans can show up and make your situation worse. If you can’t make the travel to show up on your court date, hiring a traffic ticket attorney can be the easiest way to resolve those tickets. Save time and money by hiring an attorney to show up on your behalf.

    • How can I avoid increased insurance rates if I get pulled over for a traffic ticket?

      First, never just pay a traffic ticket. Seeking assistance from an experienced attorney will likely save you money in the long term. If the attorney can get your violation reduced to a non-moving violation, the ticket will not go on your record, and your insurance company will not see it and increase your premium.

    • How do I get my license back after paying my ticket?

      Once you paid your traffic ticket, you can call the DMV and get an agent assigned to your case. You’ll likely need paperwork from the court and/or a receipt of your payment. Once you submit those documents, the flags on your account should clear. With a clear record, you can go to the DMV to get your license reinstated.

    • My license has been suspended for 10+ years and I need it back

      You are not alone. There are plenty of folk that have a ticket and fines get out of hand, their license is suspended, and they never get it back. The short story is if you have old cases or multiple violations on your record, hiring a traffic attorney is your best option. The attorney will call the different courts and request your case be reopned if needed. Then they can go to traffic court on your behalf and work out the violations and fines to provide you a path to getting your license back. It involved some work, but nothing the Traffic Ticket Lady can’t handle.

    • I got a DUI in New Orleans, a city with drive through daiquiri shops. What gives?

      It is true that you can get a daquiri from a drive through in New Orleans. However, the law still stands that you cannot drink and drive. It’s illegal to have a blood alcohol level above .08, regardless of where you get the drink. By getting a license, you also agree to the implied consent law to be tested for sobriety if the officer has probable cause. All this means is New Orleans isn’t a magical city where none of the rules apply. You can still get a DUI and DUIs can really harm your record and your future.

    • How do I know if my license is suspended in New Orleans or Louisiana?

      First step is to go to expresslane.org if you are a Louisiana resident. Enter in your license number and last four of your SSN. You can check for flags on your record with either a Driver Reinstatement Inquiry or order an official Driving Record.

    • What if my license is suspended because I missed my court date?

      First step is to get a new court date. Once you get that court date or appear at court, you’ll get paperwork that you can send to the DMV to reinstate your license.

If you have a speeding ticket and need some insight on what to do next, text 504-233-8529 and get a free consultation with the Traffic Ticket Lady. She can help you understand your situation, your options, and work to protect your wallet and your time.


Five-star Google reviews

Ben Byers

“I have referred her to everyone and I highly recommend her!”

Between myself and my family, we keep Heather busy! She is very professional and knowledgeable. I have spent a lot of money and ruined my driving record paying off speeding tickets but when I found Heather, I found that she is the best

Ben Byers
Dan P

“As a parent that has a young adult in college I will keep the "trafficticketlady" on speed dial.”

My experience with the Law Office of Heather C. Ford was outstanding. I would recommend this team to anyone that has received a traffic ticket in the metro New Orleans area....

Dan P
Noman Khan

“I am really pleased with Heather Ford's services.”

I found Heather online after searching for a traffic lawyer. Since I am not from the area, I was not 100% sure but went with my gut after reading the positive comments. And I was right! I am really pleased with Heather Ford's...

Noman Khan

“I will definitely use her again if need be!”

I was thrilled when Heather was able to get my ticket reduced to a non-moving violation and the judge waived fees. I never thought that was possible. I was certain I'd have to pay something. She's great...

Bryan Ladnier

“Ms. Ford is all that I could ask for in an advocate.”

Ms. Ford is all that I could ask for in an advocate.
My experience has been as pleasurable as can be expected when you need a lawyer.

Bryan Ladnier
Call 504-233-8529 Text Your Speeding Ticket

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